SWEDCUT® is a registered brand of the Swedish Development Company, dba: SWEDEV AB which is located in Munkfors, Sweden. SWEDEV entered the premium printing doctor blade market in Europe 1985 with the launch of MFLEX®, their first generation of the SWEDCUT® brand of micro-refined grades of doctor blade steel. This initial product launch was made available in the most popular dimensions and edge types used at that time. MFLEX® gained immediate acceptance by the most demanding flexographic and rotogravure printers and soon spread to print markets around the world.
Today, the SWEDCUT® brand has grown to include a range of highly developed grades of carbon, stainless and coated steels as well as plastic blade materials. They are available in standard and customized dimensions and pre-cision metering edges. Each product grade achieves specific results important in a variety of applications. Slow, even edge wear is common to all products offered.
SWEDEV AB is committed to long-term and sustainable development by offering and developing products and services with the least possible internal and external environmental impact.
This is carried out by:
- Increasing the knowledge and awareness of all employees regarding environmental issues
- Working with continuous improvements according to our set targets
- Conserving energy and raw materials, preventing pollution and minimizing waste
- Complying with laws, regulations and other environmental requirements
- Maintaining a dialogue with suppliers, customers, authorities and the general public regarding the company’s environmental issues
- ISO 9001 certified, 1996.
- ISO 14001 certified, 2005.
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Swedish Development Company, dba: SWEDEV AB
Munkfors, Sweden